Last weekend Stephanee, Amberlee and Shelly left Flagstaff
at 3 A.M, (yes A.M.) to make the nine plus hour trip to
the Young Americas Foundation West Coast Leadership
Conference in beautiful Santa Barbra, Calf.
The trip included a revealing game of 20
Questions, arguments with a malfunctioning Garmin,
several interesting but unintentional detours and
the running over of already-ran-over coyote road kill.
And that was just the road trip!
At the actual conference the the girls had the
opportunity to meet and take photographs with
Governor Mitt Romney and his lovely wife Ann.
National Review contributor Victor Davis Hanson spoke
along with Andrew Breitbart from breitbart.co. Also,
ACORN scandal sensation Hannah Giles gave the
students advice to combat liberalism encouraging
young conservatives to,"Attack, attack, attack!".
The speakers were motivating and informative,
especially given the opportunity to meet Mitt Romney,
but the highlight of the trip was the visit to the
Western White House. The NAU Conservatives
traveled with YAF to the Reagan Ranch and toured
the house, tack barn and Secret Service station.
Congressman Joe (You lie!) Wilson spoke at the ranch and
there was also a panel discussion where
the NAU Conservatives learned a new word:
Obamagasm- which urbandictionary.com defines as:
"The peak of excitement that occurs when Obama does
anything good, characterized by strong feelings
of pleasure, usually accompanied by celebration.
Occasionally results in college students
(CENSORED)... in their trousers at
the sight of Obama winning a campaign."