Friday, April 16, 2010

Tax Day Tea Partiers

By Richelle Morin

Yesterday was April 15th also know to many Americans as tax day, and in its duration thousands of people nation wide turned out to protest three significant issues: big government, high taxes (or future increases), and how the government is spending our hard earned money.

I am proud to say that NAU Conservatives and many of our fellow Flagstaff residents took up our flags and posters at the City Hall lawn in disapproval of our government’s recent actions. The protest that took place from 4pm-6pm turned out to be a success, and many people drove by in the setting sun honking their horns and waving in agreement. While at the protest, some passersby reacted in vulgar demonstrations such as throwing the finger, yelling at us, and one person even lacked enough self-respect to drive by and moon the tea partiers.

As conservatives we value personal responsibility and respect for others, so no such actions took place in retaliation to the angry dissenters. We understand that in America it is our Constitutional right to voice our opinion and for others to do the same. We value that right and expect everyone else to do the same even if it means that we must tolerate insulting opposition. However, one annoyed opponent’s opinion that should have been encouraging all Americans to voice their concerns put our movement and its message down.

President Obama stated on Thursday, “I have been amused a little over the past couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes. You would think they would be saying ‘thank you.’ That’s what you’d think.” What should we be thanking him for: the bail out of big banks and failed corporations, for introducing a healthcare bill we cannot afford, or for ignoring the concerns of countless Americans who want nothing more than for their children to inherit the country where anyone can achieve success that they grew up in? It seems the President threw his view out there to belittle and discourage the tea partiers across the country simply because we do not agree with his policies. These remarks only serve to divide our people not further bi-partisanship that Obama adamantly advocated for.

The one person who should be applauding our courageous patriot like actions should be our President, even if they are in opposition to his platform, because he is not just working for the democrats. Obama is President of the United States of America. We are a united country and he needs to acknowledge this. He should represent and advocate for everyone not just those that agree with him. Bi-partisanship begins with you Mr. President.

To all of the patriots across America that took up their flags and banners in protest on tax day, I applaud you for your courageous actions. Congress and the President will have to listen soon, even if we have to wait until November to significantly get our point across. Keep up the hard work for the cause. The future of your children, grandchildren, and the future of the United States of America are in your hands.